I’ve been purging. It’s Fall – so it seems like the right thing to do.

There are rules about purging. You can’t do it just any time – you have to be in the mood! Otherwise, you really will only get rid of 1 or 2 things.

Last week I purged our closet – well, My Messy Part, to be exact. I’m not very orderly.  I hang stuff up & just kinda shove it in. There’s plenty of space to hang things neatly, but, for whatever reason – I don’t.

My husband’s clothes are on the rack below mine – all arranged by color, type of shirt, pants etc. His rack looks like a closet organizer did it.  Then, you look up & my rack looked like a thrift store exploded in our closet!

So – I Had to do it. I had a bunch of clothes and seemed to wear maybe 5% of them. Why? Because they’re my favorites. Everything else just got pushed away, and they were sad. They want to Shine, too & See Daylight now & then.

I decided it was time to re-home some of them. In the process, I actually ‘found’ some fun tops I added to my favorites. They had been completely forgotten in the compressed, dark area of the rack. When I found them, they jumped into my arms with glee 藍

Clothes purging (& closet shopping) is done – for now. For THAT closet. It doesn’t mean that closet is finished – it just means I cleaned it out & there are probably still things to purge. BUT, my Urge To Purge was over. For Now.

Next step – getting them to the thrift store…they will most likely get to experience riding in the back of my jeep for at least a week – or two…

One thought on “PURGING!

  1. Well now I feel guilty about the 95% of my clothes hanging forlorn in my closet.
    “Pick me!” “Chose me!” Each one says as I open the door.
    Sure, my clothes are arranged sort of orderly by color and type.
    “There she goes for that same damn black top,” says the pumpkin colored tee. “”Halloween is coming so maybe there still is hope for me.”


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