Be Nice To Your Mom

It always amazes me how people talk to their parents. When I am out at a restaurant or wherever, I normally hear snippets of conversations…we all do. What troubles me is how some kids speak to their parents. And, I’m not just talking younger kids.

This morning I sat beside a booth with the Mom, daughter & her husband. Mom was obviously in her 80’s, daughter looked older than mid to late 60’s…but whatever , daughter is an Adult

First, the daughter complained about her son, who grew a beard. She didn’t like it & told him to cut it off. He refused. Mom tells her – he’s an adult, he can grow a beard. Surely there are other worse.things in the world than that. Daughter exploded – quietly- on her mom. No respect, very sarcastic, mean.

If she treats her mom like this in public, how does she treat her in private?

Husband sat meekly in corner of booth – never opened his mouth – he probably wasn’t allowed to.

I admire strong people, but to me,this woman wasn’t strong. She was mean. I felt bad for her Mom. But – that said, Mom did a very good job of remaining calm & even laughed & smiled at times – perhaps trying to diffuse the situation? I wanted to hug the mom & tell the daughter how she will wish her words unsaid when her mom moves to a new life. But, I didn’t

If your parents are still with you in this life – treat them nice. We only have them for a short time.

Teach your children to respect You & thier elders. I was taught & have no regrets.


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